Old Bridge Reinforcement - Adhesive Bonding Steel Plate

Old Bridge Reinforcement - Adhesive Bonding Steel Plate

According to statistics from the early 1990s in the United States, 45% of nearly 600000 concrete bridges have defects that require repair or replacement; About 10% of road bridges in India need to be replaced, and another 10% of bridges show signs of damage. In the late 1990s, statistics showed that only 40% of bridges in China had a service life of over 25 years.

Especially for early built bridges, the design load is mostly low. With the rapid development and progress of society, the speed of car production has increased in the past decade, and the increase in traffic flow and load levels, many existing bridges are basically unable to meet the current traffic needs. There is overload usage. So when the bridge is operated under overweight loads for a long time, its service life will also decrease, resulting in the bridge's service life not meeting the design service life requirements.

During the use and maintenance of the bridge, problems and diseases mainly include cracks, erosion, concrete carbonization and rebar corrosion, uneven settlement of the foundation, and natural disasters (rainstorm, acid rain, debris flow, earthquake, gale, etc.).

If the above diseases occur, they should be identified and treated accordingly based on the identification conclusion. If the use requirements and design requirements are met, a simple repair is sufficient. If the appraisal results seriously affect the service life, reinforcement treatment is needed.

For bridges with significant diseases, reinforcement treatment can be considered to extend their service life, increase reliability, and stimulate the second life cycle of the bridge.

Before bridge reinforcement

during bridge strengthening with steel plate bonding

bridge strengthening with steel plate bonding

bridge strengthening with steel plate bonding

after bridge strengthening


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